Four metals seek immunity from recession – Tantalum, Zirconium, Hafnium and Rhenium
There is no metal entirely immune from recession but the ones that might hold up better than most, I would suggest, are Tantalum,...
Will aero engine makers be tempted back into Ruthenium now that the spike is over?
Producers of Ruthenium missed an opportunity over the last two years when they ignored the demands of aero engine companies who were...
Rhenium defies downturn
Already a few weeks now into the largest financial crisis since 1929, there are few items that have resisted the force of gravity. Except...
Rhenium prices hold while metals with investment funds behind them fall.
Rhenium overtakes Pd & Ru to becomes 6th most precious traded metal. What greater evidence is needed of the pernicious effect of...
Why does LME wants to get involved with minor metals ?
Anthony Lipmann offers a personal view on the London Metal Exchange’s possible plans to launch contracts in minor metals and...
The View from Rhenium Gables
Here at Rhenium Gables we are mulching the soil and planting our winter Rhenium seedlings in readiness for next year’s crop much as we...
New Rhenium supply from Poland comes on stream but will it close world deficit?
[Glogow, Poland. 27.9.07] Anthony Lipmann attends the official opening of KGHM ECORENs new Hydrometallurgical Plant for the recovery of...